Yassiberui Shipyard Industry in Barru

The shipyard industry development plan is an integral part of the Barru Regency industrial plan which is part of the Garongkong area and is also a priority for South Sulawesi Province. The Yassiberui Shipyard development plan has been included in the regional development's vision of Barru Regency.
The Yassiberui Shipyard has several advantages, including its location which is connected to 2 (two) ports, namely the ports of Garongkong and ports of Awerrange and ships that transport goods/materials are present and ferries are already operating In Its vicinity. The location of the shipyard industry development Is emplaced between the city of Makassar and the city of Parepare so that expeditionary ships transporting materials for ship repairs become more accessible. Yassiberui Shipyard is managed professionally, reliable in fast shipbuilding at a competitive price, responsive to requests/offers, carried out by skilled personnel, and supported by a sufficiently equipped repair station.
Strategic location and sea area that is protected from the high seas with the existence of Pannikiang Island as a natural breakwater serves as a distinctive attraction for Yassiberui Shipyard.
The proposed Yassiberui shipyard location is in Madello, Barru Regency in an area of 11 Ha. The business scheme offered in the construction of the Yassiberui shipyard is in the form of a land lease with a borrow-to-use pattern, utilization cooperation, or Build Handover or Infrastructure Provision Cooperation.
Project Map
Barru Regency
Investment Value
USD 9 Million
*USD 1 = IDR 14.500
Investment Scheme
Land Lease
Project Location
Barru Regency
Payback Period
5 years 11 month
Project Owner
Pemerintah Kabupaten Barru
Contact Us
Promotion Division, Capital Investment and One Stop Service Agency of Barru regency
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