Wind Power Plant Tolo 2

Jeneponto Regency is ideal for the development of wind power plants. In 2019, Wind Power Plant Tolo 1 with a capacity of 72 MW has officially operated in Jeneponto. The development of Wind Power Plant Tolo 2 will be carried out in 5 villages, namely Bungungloe Village, Maccini Baji Village, Camba-Camba Village, Kaluku Village and Kalumpang Village. The wind speed at the proposed wind power plant building location is between 5 to 8 m/s, which is ideal for wind power plant operation.
Wind Power Plant Tolo 2 has a capacity of up to 72MW. The advantages of Jeneponto as a Wind Power Plant development location are as follows: (a) The project is in accordance with the Spatial Plan for Jeneponto Regency; (b) The planned project area and its annexes are relatively safe against earthquakes, geological natural disasters and tsunamis; and (c) The planned project area and its annexes are relatively safe from earthquakes, geological natural disasters and tsunamis.
The electricity generated by Wind Power Plant Tolo 2 will be purchased by PT. Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN). The development of Wind Power Plant Tolo 2 is a promising business. This is supported by the government's policy to expand the quota for PLTB construction in South Sulawesi and increase the percentage of renewable energy in the energy mix. Currently, there is an existing quota of 130MW for wind power plants in South Sulawesi and 60MW for the construction of wind power plants for the southern part of Sulawesi which has been included in PLN's RUPTL (Electricity Supply Business Plan) until 2024. In addition, the Indonesian government has stipulated renewable energy targets to reach 23% of the energy mix in 2030 and 31% in 2050. Revenue is predicted to reach the break even point in year 15, assuming an energy yield of 9,360 MWH per month from Wind Power Plant Tolo 2 and the purchase price of electricity by PLN at USD 0.10 per kwh.
The construction of the wind power plant is estimated to take around 2.5 years which includes the construction of a Wind Turbine Generator (WTG), construction of access roads, construction of an energy storage battery system and construction of PLTB supporting facilities.
Project Map
Jeneponto Regency
Investment Value
USD 124.2 Million
*USD 1 = IDR 14.500
Investment Scheme
Built Own Operate (BOO)
Project Location
Jeneponto Regency
Payback Period
15 Years
Project Owner
Pemerintah Kabupaten Jeneponto
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Meriyani Aris
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