Just Use NIB, Entrepreneurs No Longer Need to Manage SIUP, TDP, and SKU

Entrepreneurs and MSMEs are certainly familiar with Trading Business Permits (SIUP), Company Registration Certificates (TDP), and Business Certificates (SKU). The three previous administrations must be taken care of when running a business.

However, at this time business actors do not have to bother taking care of SIUP, TDP, and SKU. Because, what is needed now is enough to have a Business Identification Number (NIB).

"After the work creation Law was passed, SIUP, TDP, and SKU were no longer issued. Currently, business actors only need to take care of the NIB. This means that it is enough to require a NIB," said the Special Staff for Regional Relations of the Ministry of Investment/BKPM, Tina Talisa, during the socialization of NIB management to MSEs which was broadcast virtually, Sunday (12/12).

"So no need to require SIUP or TDP if we have already had an NIB," she added.

Tina said the NIB is like the identity number of a business actor. She revealed that the identity number consists of thirteen digit numbers in which there is a security and an electronic signature. Business actors manage the NIB according to the business fields regulated in the 2020 Indonesian Business Field Book Classification (KBLI).

"The function of the NIB is not only as an identity, but also as a TDP, Import Identification Number (API), and customs access for companies carrying out import-export activities," said Tina.

Tina explains the importance of having an NIB. She said in addition to legality, the existence of the registration number also made the business that was run had the opportunity to grow rapidly.

“By taking care of the NIB, your business will be guaranteed legality. In addition, NIB management also increases business opportunities, including financing facilities from banks, opportunities to receive training, as well as opportunities to participate in government procurement of good s or services," said Tina.

Source: https://kumparan.com/kumparanbisnis/cukup-pakai-nib-pengusaha-kini-tak-perlu-lagi-urus-siup-tdp-hingga-sku-1x5wJdKpo1W/full?utm_source=kumApp&utm_campaign=share&shareID=poZRHtNtVYL4